You probably don't ever want to drink a glass of dirty water. Well, your car feels the same way. Most automobiles need a steady supply of clean fuel to run efficiently and deliver a good fuel economy. You have a fuel filter to separate the dirt and rust before flowing to your engine to get the purest energy form. A clogged fuel filter can be so bad that it can strain the engine so that it won't start or operate. Some fuel filters have a bypass valve that allows the gasoline to go around the clogged filter so your vehicle will still run. However, the contaminated fuel can jam other essential parts like your fuel injectors and pump.
A vehicle with a partially dirty fuel filter may get you around La Pine, OR, but it will sputter because it's starving for filtered gas. The frequency of how often you need to replace your filter is dependent on two things: where you drive and the gas you put in your vehicle. For instance, if you often ride on dirt or gravel roads, your fuel filter will have a tougher time keeping the fuel clean. And, we hate to break it to you, but obtaining the cheapest gasoline from discount stations sometimes means dirtier fuel. The reputable gas stations tend to supply cleaner gasoline!
A few manufacturers also have recommendations on the intervals for fuel filter changes. The only problem is that some have very long intervals, like every five years or so. You may need to research and look at other sources for proper guidance. Older vehicles are at a higher risk of clogged filters because they have had time for contaminants to build up in the fuel tank over the years of use.
As is often the case, spending a small amount of money and time now on something like a fuel filter can save from additional repairs and troubles down the line. At Integrity Auto Services, our team can check your fuel filter and determine if it needs an exchange. Feel free to give us a call or stop by our shop today!