Monthly Archives: December 2023

7 Signs Your EGR Valve Is Having Issues

7 Signs Your EGR Valve Is Having Issues

When your vehicle starts acting up, it's like it's communicating with you through a language of beeps, lights, and performance hiccups. It's trying to tell you something is amiss. For those who aren't mechanics, these signs can be cryptic at best. One component that often cries out for attention yet is frequently overlooked is the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve. This little gadget plays a big role in reducing emissions and improving efficiency. But how can you tell if your EGR valve is the culprit behind your car's latest tantrum? Let's decode the signals together. 1. The Dreaded Check Engine Light The check engine light is like the S.O.S. beacon of car trouble. If it illuminates and a diagnostic reveals error codes pointing toward the EGR system, consider this an unmistakable distress signal from your EGR valve. 2. Rough Rides Ahead ... read more