Monthly Archives: June 2024

Can I Skip an Oil Change If I Drive Less?

Can I Skip an Oil Change If I Drive Less?

Life can get busy, and sometimes, it's tempting to skip routine car maintenance, especially if you're not driving as much. But when it comes to oil changes, is it really okay to skip them if your car is spending more time parked in the driveway? The short answer is no, but let's go deeper to understand why. The Importance of Oil Changes Oil is vital for the proper functioning of your engine. It lubricates the moving parts, reduces friction, and helps keep the engine cool. Over time, oil breaks down and becomes less effective at its job, which is why regular oil changes are crucial. Even if you're not clocking up the miles, the oil in your car can still degrade due to time and environmental factors. Old oil can lead to increased engine wear, reduced performance, and eventually costly repairs. The Risks of Skipping Oil Changes ... read more