Monthly Archives: November 2023

What Are the Different Types of Transmission Fluid

What Are the Different Types of Transmission Fluid

When you think about your vehicle, it's easy to visualize the mechanics as a balanced movement and harmony - a dance of pistons, gears, and wheels. Yet, there's a silent component, or to be exact fluid, vital to the longevity and efficiency - transmission fluid.  What is Transmission Fluid Transmission fluid - it's a lubricant, but it also serves multi-faceted high-pressure functions that ensure every journey you take isn't just possible but also pleasant. Underestimating its role can lead to a mechanical cacophony rather than a symphony. For the unversed, your transmission fluid operates under immense stress to perform three crucial tasks: to lubricate moving parts, act as a coolant, and transmit power from the engine to the transmission. As your vehicle busily engages in its daily performance of navigating through traffic, accelerating, and climbing hill ... read more