Posted on 4/29/2023

There's nothing quite as disconcerting as hearing unusual noises coming from your car, especially when you're accelerating. These sounds, especially those listed below, can be a sign of underlying issues that need attention, so keep on reading to find out more. 1. Exhaust System Issues Hearing a loud roaring or hissing during acceleration could be a problem with your exhaust system. Because of the exodus system's nature, it vibrates quite a lot. This means that when there are punctures or even worse, broken parts, the result is a very loud and distinguishable sound. 2. Worn-out or Faulty Belts Squealing or screeching while accelerating could indicate worn-out or faulty belts in your engine. The most common culprit is the serpentine belt, responsible for powering various engine components. Over time, belts can become worn, loose, or misaligned, causing them to slip and produce these sounds. 3. Transmission Issues ... read more
Posted on 3/28/2023

Diesel fuel additives are a great way to improve the performance and longevity of your vehicle. These additives have come a long way, and they are made to improve the quality of diesel fuel, providing a range of benefits that can allow you to get the most out of your diesel vehicle. 5 Benefits of Diesel Fuel Additives #1: Improved Fuel Economy Additives can boost your vehicle's fuel economy by increasing the efficiency of the fuel combustion process. This means that you can get more miles per gallon, saving you money on fuel costs over time. #2: Increased Power The addition to your fuel can also increase the power and performance of your diesel engine. By improving the combustion process, you can get both better power and torque, allowing for better acceleration and towing capacity. #3: Cleaner Fuel System Diesel fuel additives can also have fuel system cleaning properties. As a result, it can slow the buildup of deposits and contaminants. They can also stop clogs and ... read more
Posted on 2/27/2023
The system in your car relies on specialized liquids that help the vehicle system function normally. These fluids need to be checked regularly to ensure they are clean and fresh. These fluids perform various functions that include; cooling, lubrication, and hydraulic assistance. To prevent vehicle breakdowns and part failures flushing out these fluids or exchanging them is mandatory. The process enables the parts to stay intact and not rub excessively or wear out. Here are the fluids that need to the changed or flushed to ensure the vehicle stays in a mint condition; Brake fluid Brake fluid is a solution used for the hydraulic braking system of your car and is designed to transform your foot workforce on the brake pedal to pressure your car brakes. When there is moisture in the braking system then there is the need to perform a brake fluid flush to eradicate the rust color that forms. However, a brake flush is rarely needed. When you fail to perform regular check-ups to see whet ... read more
Posted on 1/12/2023

Vehicle Brakes 101 Vehicle brakes are one of the most important parts of all automobiles as they impact performance and safety. Hence, you must pay close attention to your brakes and get them serviced when necessary. Your brakes should be in excellent working condition all year round. In today’s blog, we will discuss the difference between disc brakes, drum brakes, anti-lock brakes, and emergency/parking brakes. Disc Brakes Most vehicles on the road today have a disc brake system that comprises calipers, rotors, brake pads, and hydraulic fluid. To stop your car, the brake pads and the rotor produce friction to slow down the spinning wheels on the vehicle. Disc brakes are preferred because they are better at dissipating heat and more reliable in various weather conditions. Drum Brakes Drum brakes are an alternative to disc brakes, but they are both similar in the fact that they use hydraulic pressure and friction to make your car stop. T ... read more
Posted on 12/27/2022

One of the most frustrating issues is noticing strange smells in your vehicle. From rotten eggs to burnt paper, vehicle smells tell you a lot about what's going on with your car. Detecting these warning signs early on can save you a lot of trouble, time, and money. This article looks at some of the most common unusual vehicle smells and what they indicate. Here are some of the most common unusual vehicle smells and what they can indicate: Burning Rubber smell: A burning rubber smell often indicates an issue with the brake pads. This smell attributes to worn-out brake pads or issues with the calipers; if you notice this smell check your brake pads and have them replaced if necessary. Rotten Eggs smell: A rotten egg smell can indicate an issue with the catalytic converter. This smell is most commonly caused by a problem with the oxygen sensors, leading to a buildup of unburned fuel in the exhaust system. Sickly Sweet smell: If you notice a sweet syrup smell in your car, there ... read more